Centimark, a leading commercial and industrial roofing contractor, made the decision to upgrade their mobile application for roof inspections. My role was to guide the UX/UI portion of the project to uncover and recommend new features and updates to existing ones. Multiple workshops were facilitated with managers and onsite inspectors which lead to delivering a new application.
My Role
Senior UX design consultant working with solution architects and key stakeholders. Facilitated workshops, synthesized data, designed and delivered key screens utilizing Material Design standards.
key insights
- Variable lighting conditions, especially in the Western PA region, necessitated dark and light UI options.
- The recommendation was also made to have touch-sensitive work gloves for inspectors to prevent having to remove them to use the application.
key screen DESIGNS

Project Steps Screen

Select a Defect Screen

Documenting Defect With Device Camera

Documenting Defect Conditions Screen

Defect Summary Screen